David G. Knappe produced and directed the “Dexter” Live Video Chat for Showtime. Fans of “Dexter” enjoyed a truly interactive evening with series creator Clyde Phillips, who did his best not to divulge any spoilers for the season finale but he promised the episode will “blow the top of your head off”. The fans reaction and the Golden Globe Awards would certainly validate that strong statement. You can see the archived Live Chat here:
Video streaming by Ustream
On January 18, 2010, In News, by admin
Recently Brothers McMullen star Jack Mulcahy, currently starring in iMurders joined Robin Milling at The Long Room for some blarney and authentic Irish lamb stew. Jack is also co-producer of Glencross Films’ upcoming future noir thriller RAM in which he will also appear. Tune in and listen to Jack’s latest and greatest over lunch!